Kathy J. Forti is a writer, clinical psychologist, author, producer, and the inventor/developer of the Trinfinity8 rejuvenation technology system. Her latest book, Fractals of God, was released in May 2014 by Rinnovo Press.
The story line for STACKS came to her in a dream one night. “I woke up at 2AM and just started writing. Within a few weeks I had a full TV pilot,” she recalls. The original STACKS pilot which takes place in the Library of Congress went on to win the finalist award in the national Slamdance Teleplay Competition. “It was right around the time of the writer’s strike and nothing was moving in Hollywood,” Forti says. “So I decided to adapt it to a web series. Just as I was trying to figure out how to fund it, I got invited on a game show where I landed up winning $26,000. STACKS the webseries was borne out of those winnings.”